5 Signs You’re Burning Out (And How To Beat It)

If you're constantly feeling exhausted and unproductive at work, you could be experiencing job burnout. But don’t worry, you’re not alone! Recognized as an “occupational phenomenon” by the World Health Organization, a recent study by Gallup reported that 23% of employees feel burnt out “very often” or “always”.
Long work hours and technology are often blamed for the epidemic, however it’s up to us to take control of our health. By knowing the signs and remedies for a burnout, you'll be ready to beat it when it comes!
1. You’re perpetually exhausted
Can’t stay awake during the day yet can’t fall asleep during the night either? Fatigue and insomnia are telltale signs of job burnout. Aside from draining you of the energy required to complete tasks, they will drain you of your motivation and desire to excel too.

2. You’re forgetful and losing focus
Useful in the short run, stress narrows our focus to deal with the threat at hand. But in the long run, it impairs our ability to focus on everything else leading to procrastination, forgetfulness and eventually a deterioration of workplace performance.

3. You’re developing aches & pains
Useful in the short run, stress narrows our focus to deal with the threat at hand. But in the long run, it impairs our ability to focus on everything else leading to procrastination, forgetfulness and eventually a deterioration of workplace performance.

4. Your health has taken a back seat
Drinking more alcohol, smoking more cigarettes and binge eating on junk food could be your body's way of telling you that something is off. Sure, these coping mechanisms may provide an escape in the short-term, however they impact your health in the long run and won’t necessarily solve the root of the burn out problem.

5. You're cynical and easily angered
When you’ve lost interest in the work that you do, you may start feeling detached from your colleagues and clients, and even the smallest things will get you worked up. While this puts a strain on your professionalism and relationships with others in the office, it’s not always about the situation at hand. Rather, cynicism and impatience could be due to an underlying stress such as burnout.

2. You’re forgetful and losing focus
Useful in the short run, stress narrows our focus to deal with the threat at hand. But in the long run, it impairs our ability to focus on everything else leading to procrastination, forgetfulness and eventually a deterioration of workplace performance.
3. You’re developing aches & pains
It’s time to start listening to your body! If you find yourself dealing with more and more unexplained aches and pains, that might just be the stress talking. According to the BMC Public Health journal, research shows that stress can cause muscular tension, resulting in headaches, muscle aches, and even long-term pain.

4. Your health has taken a back seat
Drinking more alcohol, smoking more cigarettes and binge eating on junk food could be your body's way of telling you that something is off. Sure, these coping mechanisms may provide an escape in the short-term, however they impact your health in the long run and won’t necessarily solve the root of the burn out problem.
5. You're cynical and easily angered
When you’ve lost interest in the work that you do, you may start feeling detached from your colleagues and clients, and even the smallest things will get you worked up. While this puts a strain on your professionalism and relationships with others in the office, it’s not always about the situation at hand. Rather, cynicism and impatience could be due to an underlying stress such as burnout.

5 Ways To Beat Job Burnout

1. Relax with massage
There’s nothing more soothing than a massage and regular sessions will work wonders in putting your body and mind at ease. To really amplify the effects, create your own healing oasis with some warm tea, fresh air and soothing music.
2. Take charge of your health
Eating well, exercising regularly and getting quality sleep are essential for health and wellbeing. Allocating ‘me-time’ in your daily schedule for the activities that nurture your mental and physical health will help you to empower yourself and make it a priority.

3. Get support from those that matter
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed for the longest time, it’s time to bite the bullet and talk with your boss and loved ones about it. Aside from giving you an outlet to “get things off your chest,” sharing your feelings will enable them to understand what you are going through and give them the opportunity to reach out and help.
4. Find a new hobby
Always wanted to try yoga or pick up a new language? Now’s the time to do it! Pursuing a new hobby that you enjoy sends a clear intention that your personal needs matter and has been shown to positively impact your quality of life, work performance and stress levels.

5. Improve your mental health
Change your mindset to change your mental health! Implement a ‘good vibes only’ policy by surrounding yourself with supportive people, practicing meditation and engaging in relaxing exercises. Furthermore, professional services like counselling, therapy and life coaching can help you to work through particular issues and shift towards a more positive attitude.
Catch Burnout Before You Burn Out
Burnout can happen to anyone in any industry, but it doesn't have to happen to you! Know the signs and take precautions to preserve your mental and physical health before it’s too late.
5 Ways To Beat Job Burnout
1. Relax with massage
There’s nothing more soothing than a massage and regular sessions will work wonders in putting your body and mind at ease. To really amplify the effects, create your own healing oasis with some warm tea, fresh air and soothing music.

2. Take charge of your health
Eating well, exercising regularly and getting quality sleep are essential for health and wellbeing. Allocating ‘me-time’ in your daily schedule for the activities that nurture your mental and physical health will help you to empower yourself and make it a priority.

3. Get support from those that matter
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed for the longest time, it’s time to bite the bullet and talk with your boss and loved ones about it. Aside from giving you an outlet to “get things off your chest,” sharing your feelings will enable them to understand what you are going through and give them the opportunity to reach out and help.

4. Find a new hobby
Always wanted to try yoga or pick up a new language? Now’s the time to do it! Pursuing a new hobby that you enjoy sends a clear intention that your personal needs matter and has been shown to positively impact your quality of life, work performance and stress levels.

5. Improve your mental health
Change your mindset to change your mental health! Implement a ‘good vibes only’ policy by surrounding yourself with supportive people, practicing meditation and engaging in relaxing exercises. Furthermore, professional services like counselling, therapy and life coaching can help you to work through particular issues and shift towards a more positive attitude.

Catch Burnout Before You Burn Out
Burnout can happen to anyone in any industry, but it doesn't have to happen to you! Know the signs and take precautions to preserve your mental and physical health before it’s too late.