A Guide on How to Choose the Right Massage Chair

Massage chairs are an incredible investment for your health, but choosing the right massage chair for you can be overwhelming with so many brands and massage chair models available on the world market.

There are numerous factors to consider, such as what your massage chair should do for you and what features are best suited for your requirements. A high-quality massage chair should not be manufactured without taking certain important factors into account.

In this article, OSIM AU shares some important features to look at and how to choose a massage chair that best fits your lifestyle.

What to Consider When Choosing a Full Body Massage Chair

Massaging Options

The airbags and rollers of the massage chair ought to be able to reach the back of your neck, shoulders and lower back because these are the parts of the body that ache due to poor posture. Additional massage ports for the thighs are a good option because back pain often extends to the legs.

A roller part offers a greater intensity of massages while giving a similar sensation as a two-handed massage. The airbag option is a good choice and allows the user to choose the area that needs to be massaged, as per intensity requirements. 

For example, the OSIM AU uDivine V massage chair has roller balls that reach the head, shoulders, lumbar area, thighs and buttocks. This chair is a relatively affordable option for those who suffer from poor posture and frequently experience back pain that extends to their legs. 

Heated Massage Option

A high-quality massage chair typically offers heated massage options. Hot stones are well known for back massages because it helps loosen up the muscles further. Switching on the warm air lets you work on those swollen muscles without using intense massage pressure.

Massage Programs

Most massage chairs usually have between three and 30 pre-programmed massage options. These options offer a unique, timed massage that selects specific body areas and is excellent at the end of a long tiring day.

Advanced massage chairs often have body scan technology that tests the reactions of different body areas and adjusts a massage accordingly. Consider the OSIM uLove 2 massage chair, which offers various massage programmes for different lifestyles, including sleep and sports.

The more automatic programs a massage chair has, the less repetitive your massage experience will be, especially if the programs can be combined or customized. A wealth of options ensures that no two massage treatments are the same.

Recline Function

Adding a degree of recline to your massage will allow you to achievea deeper massage experience and significantly increase relaxation. Most high-end massage chairs have several recline options, the most popular of which is zero gravity. 

The zero-gravity recline is the same as the weightlessness of space as it brings your body into a position of neutral gravity and relieves your spine. This can reduce tension, lower your heart rate, and improve blood circulation. Some massage chair reclining options have a single-touch feature that gives maximum control at the touch of a button. 

Massage Chair Upholstery

Genuine full-grain leather has traditionally been the material of choice for massage chair furnishings, but today, many technologically advanced chairs are made from synthetic materials. 

Synthetic fabrics are usually designed to resist heat and extend the life of your massage chair. Your massage chair must withstand daily use due to the amount of movement and heat it generates.

Which Massage Chair is the Best?

The uDream Well-Being massage chair is worth buying and one of the best because it is known as the world’s first 5-Senses Well-Being Chair complete with AI Stress BioSensor.

It also offers more than thousands of multi-sensory massages. Each massage session is designed based on your personal tension pain to relieve and reduce your body tension.

Most importantly, this massage chair pampers all your senses and immerses you in deeper relaxation. It has comprehensive head-to-toe massage with patented technologies that work on your upper and lower body simultaneously.

Choosing the Best Massage Chair 

When purchasing a massage chair, keep your lifestyle in mind as well as the features of the chair. It can be used in combination with any physical therapies you are undergoing to treat your back pain.

OSIM is an internationally recognised massage chair manufacturing brand. We feature various high-end massage products, including portable massagers and upper and lower body massagers.

Visit the OSIM AU products page if you want to learn more about our high-quality products. Fill out our online form or email us at info@osim.com.au to help you find a suitable product for you.

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